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Part # 1MPA00BG60 Ager Stone Enhancing Sealer 55 Liter
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Ager Stone Enhancing Sealer 55 Liter

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Price: $3,431.39

Product Code: 1MPA00BG70


Ager Stone Enhancing Sealer

Tenax Ager is an enhancer and sealer that revitalizes and enhances the color of natural stone surfaces. Use Ager on your natural stone surfaces to give the stone a deep, rich appearance and protect the pores from absorbing potentially discoloring liquids that could stain the surface. Ager is a solvent based product that performs two main functions on natural stone surfaces. First, it protects all sorts of natural stone materials from absorbing liquids that could mar the appearance of the stone. Second, Ager enhances the natural color and grain of the material to which it is applied. Additionally, Tenax Ager helps protect natural stone against graffiti.

Tenax Ager is a color and grain enhancer and sealer designed for adding beauty to all sorts of natural stone surfaces including the following materials:

  • Marble
  • Granite
  • Limestone
  • Sandstone
  • Quartzite
  • Travertine
  • Agglomerate
  • Rosso Verona

WARNING: Tenax Ager does not provide anti-etch protection on marble surfaces. Use of acidic substances such as wine, tomatoes, citrus, coffee, etc. will etch the surface by creating a chemical reaction with eh calcium carbonate present in marbles. For etching problems use Tenax TeEtch.

Includes Keg Spout. Use with Tenax Keg Stand - sold separately.

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