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250 ML Eggshell Titanium Cartridge
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250 ML Eggshell Titanium Cartridge

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Price: $30.81

Product Code: 1RTEGGSHELL


Eggshell Titanium 250 ML Glue Cartridge

Titanium 250 ML Eggshell Cartridge adhesive is the latest in vinyl ester technology. This glue is designed for use on a range of fabrication materials and surfaces. This stone adhesive is a rapid glue that cures shiny and is very polishable for great results on natural and engineered stone. Eggshell Titanium cartridge adhesive system is a bi-component mixing solution that makes use of a static mixing tip. These tips blend two glue parts at just the right 10:1 ratio as it moves out of the cartridge and onto the surface.

Eggshell 250 ML Titanium Glue Cartridges are pre-dosed to ensure proper mixing when used with the correct cartridge glue gun and static mixer. Available in a wide color assortment, Titanium vinyl ester cartridge adhesives are formulated to match many materials provided by various manufacturers.


The Eggshell 250 ML adhesive cartridge is designed for use on a number of materials including natural and engineered stone surfaces like the following:

  • Natural Granite
  • Quartzite
  • Ceramic & Sintered Materials
  • Marble
  • Engineered Quartz

Titanium Eggshell adhesive is effective for adhering a variety of materials. it also works in a short amount of time and in low temperatures. This makes Eggshell Titanium cartridge glue appealing for particular uses.

Adhesive Application

Titanium Eggshell cartridges are designed for many applications. These adhesives are effective on natural and engineered stone materials used in fabrication projects. To apply Eggshell Titanium cartridge adhesive to a surface, simply load the glue cartridge into an appropriate gun (we recommend the M200XMR multi-ratio glue gun) and affix the proper static mixing tip to the end of the cartridge. After dispensing a small amount of glue to expel air from the tip, you are ready to bond surfaces.

Shelf Life

Keep away from direct sunlight, heat and humidity. Keep containers closed after using the product. Eggshell Titanium cartridge glue is made to last 12 months under normal conditions. Long term storage at temperatures above 68°F will shorten the life of the adhesive and especially the activity of the catalyst. Additionally, storage at temperatures above 95°F could shorten the life of the product to less than one month.

Safety Rules

As with all products, including adhesives, please read the Eggshell Part A SDS (Safety Data Sheet) and the Eggshell Part B SDS (Safety Data Sheet) before use and follow the product instructions carefully.


  • Please read and follow the information for Titanium cartridge glue in the following safety data sheets: Part A SDS Part B SDS

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